02 February 2011

My Life - Sheer Insanity

Yup, my life is pretty stinkin crazy lately.  It all started last September, when my Mom had her car accident.  That started the never ending running around to the hospital, grocery shopping for Dad and basically taking care of my family.  Queue October, when Mom dies due to a local hospital (who shall remain nameless) who suffocated her.  Nice eh?  That increases the insanity, plus we are entering into the holidays.  Nothing has gone even semi-right for this family since September, and as the "responsible" one (which is highly debatable) I'm the one left holding the bag.

So what do I do when all this insanity hits?  Curl up under my covers and cry?  Hell no, I decide that I'm going to live my stupid life the way I want to and everyone else be damned.  Which will start shortly after my nephews leave my place of residence, because yes I got lured into being the "helpful" one yet again.  Does that mean that life is miraculously going to get better?  Probably not, at least not in this family.  Especially with the endless rounds of doctor's appointments the Daughter needs now.  She was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis in January, after the poor kid turned yellower then the sun.

I have goals for this year, which not surprisingly haven't really been touched since the beginning of January.  I've been too busy reacting to act.  But once these trolls...I mean children...leave, its so on!  After I spend a day or two recuperating from the THREE weeks I will have had them if all goes to plan.  Someone save me now please?  Anyone want a nearly one year old?  He's free for the taking, and I'll send some headache meds with you when you go.  Trust me, you'll need them...he's a fusser and screamer.  I think I've had a permanent headache for the past three days.

Anyone want to change places at least for a day or so?

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