I want to be financially independent and self-sufficient. Like everyone else on the planet. Money is a necessary evil in this world. My mindset however has changed in recent years. Growing up I always wanted to be rich (but never famous), and while that would be nice, now I’m more concerned with just having enough money in the bank that I don’t have to worry so much about it.
I want a steady stream of income. But more importantly, I want to be able to enjoy my life. I don’t want to spend my every waking moment working for money, because that’s going to shortchange the truly important things in my life. My daughter, my hobbies, becoming more self-sufficient in other ways, the things I really and truly love.
I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s when everything was about what you had…the best car, best TV, best house…and bigger was better. It was all about consumerism, and unfortunately, I was at my most susceptible at that point. Too young to really understand what those messages meant, and definitely too young to understand how it would work out in my life. Plus there was the message at home that we never had enough money. I missed out on a lot during my childhood because of that.
I no longer want to keep up with the Jones-es, and frankly, they’re up to their eyeballs in debt. Right now, $1000 sounds like a pretty big chunk of change to me, even though realistically that doesn’t go very far in today’s world. I make less then that now. Millions sound unattainable but heavenly. My dream right now is 200 acres of land or more, a big house, a decent car (and a 4 wheel drive vehicle) and just what I need to take care of my family in the way they should be taken care of.
My family is my wealth, not how many dollars I have in the bank. The memories I create with them are priceless. Knowing that I’m doing what I can to take care of my family the best way possible makes me happier then a check or deposit. Money doesn’t make me happy anymore, nor does the stuff I can buy with it. At least most of it. There are some things that money can buy that would make me very happy indeed.
Above Photo By sxc.hu user dspruitt